Thursday, October 20, 2016

Do Conservatives Need a Trigger Warning Before NFL Games?

The Dale and Holley show on WEEI took a phone call when they were discussing the NFL's declining ratings.The caller posited that many, like him, were turned off by the players kneeling during the National Anthem. Michael Holley retorted, "If Greg Hardy choking his girlfriend, Ray Rice knocking his fiance unconscious, or any of the other examples of violence against women at the hand of an NFL player didn't turn you off from the game, why now?"

The whole exchange made me think of Jonathan Haidt's Moral Foundations Theory. Holley is referencing the care/harm principle when speaking of violence against women. The caller is referencing the authority/subversion principle when speaking of Kaepernick.

The fact that liberals are more upset about domestic violence and conservatives are more upset about kneeling during the national anthem should come as no surprise. Haidt's research shows that not all principles are created equal.

As you can see above, the more liberal you are, the more you only care about the care/harm principle and the fairness principle. Likewise, the more conservative you are, the more you care about the authority/subversion principle. Rather than argue who's right and who's wrong, I'll just paraphrase Arthur Schopenhauer and say that while we can choose what we do, we cannot choose what we want or even care about.

Reading and hearing about the outrage against Kaepernick, the word I hear the most is "offensive."  People are offended by his action. Interestingly, this is the same word I hear when I read about arguments in favor of trigger warnings.

Will this be a teachable moment when conservatives understand the plight of those easily-offended, oversensitive liberals? Will liberals extend an olive branch to conservatives and respect their right to not want to be exposed to images they find offensive. Of course not, this is 2016!