Friday, April 14, 2023

Hope is a Good Thing

I recently stumbled across a 2021 song called “Hi Ren” by the artist Ren. Check out the video above. The vibe of the song is familiar but still impressive. But after a few listens I realized that the song went in a new direction I was not expecting.

In one part, Ren breaks the fourth wall and mentions how Eminem and Plan B have already done similar songs to the one he is doing. But I actually think the closest comparison is “U” by Kendrick Lamar. Both songs are the artist, as themselves, having a conversation with themselves about self doubt.

"U" is one of my favorite songs for the same reason that Rue from Euphoria is one of my favorite characters. In one episode, Rue is shown staring at the ceiling and envisioning numbers on a grid and becoming so transfixed that she could not function. In another episode, her mother explains how, as a child, if she kissed Rue goodnight on one cheek she would have to do the same on the other cheek.

One of the best feelings in the world is the feeling of being understood, especially when it seems that no one else understands you. As a child with OCD, I had very similar experiences to Rue and those moments really made me feel seen and understood.

Popular music in the ‘90s was depressing. But young people wanted it that way because it made their depression feel understood. I think the same type of person likes songs like “Hi Ren.” It is the same reason youth are self-diagnosing themselves with various disorders and conditions they hear about on social media. It is the same reason every personality has its own student club.

But there is a problem. Being understood feels good but it’s not a solution. It's like learning the cure for a hangover but continuing to binge drink.

Amanda Ripley wrote a great article about what she feels is a failing of the news. If the news is bleak, by all means, report on the bleakness. But you can still offer hope.

At one point, Ren, singing as his evil alter ego, says things like:

Oh your music is thriving? Delusional guy!
Where's your top ten hit? Where's your interview with Oprah?
Where are your grammies Ren?
Nowhere! ...

Man you sound so pretentious!
Ren your music is so self centred,
No one wants to hear another song about
How much you hate yourself.

That compares well with "U" in which Lamar raps:

I fuckin' tell you fuckin' failure—you ain't no leader!
I never liked you, forever despise you—I don't need ya!
The world don't need ya, don't let them deceive ya
Numbers lie too, fuck your pride too, that's for dedication
Thought money would change you, made you more complacent
Fuckin' hate you, I hope you embrace it,

And while "U" ends with a hint of suicide, Ren goes in a different direction. Speaking as himself, he sings:

Some people know me as hope

Some people know me as the voice that you hear

When u loosen the noose on the rope

And you know how I know that I'll prosper?

Because I stand here beside you today

I have stood in the flames that cremated my brain

And I didn't once flinch or shake

So cower at the man I've become

When I sing from the top of my lungs

That I won't retire I'll stand in your fire

Inspire the weak to be strong

As a society, I think we’ve done an admirable job of normalizing mental health, encouraging suffering people to speak up. But we haven’t done enough to valorize the process of getting better.