Sunday, February 25, 2018

10 Rules for Life

  1. Seek common ground instead of conflict. Coalitions, not warring against other tribes, solve problems.
  2. Stay open to the idea that you may be wrong and someone, even a person whom you think is dumb, may be able to change your mind.
  3. Seek to change your mind on one issue a year. Find intelligent counter points. Changing your mind is a signal that you value evidence over intuition.
  4. Never post something on social media that blatantly attacks a different tribe. Virtue signaling is divisive.
  5. If a child wants you to read them a book, stop what you're doing and read them the damn book.
  6. Unless you're over 70, or one or more of your legs doesn't work, put your shopping cart away.
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes a day outdoors, not doing much more than thinking and looking at trees.
  8. Get some type of exercise at least 3 times a week.
  9. Understand that everyone is a hypocrite at some point, including yourself. There is no perfect belief system, otherwise we would have discovered it by now. However, we should never stop trying to make the world better.
  10. Once a year, admit when you are wrong. Aloud, and to the person who was right. You are wrong more often than you think and humility actually brings people closer.

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