Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Choose your city

Choose one:

Jobopolis: the economy is booming with lots of well-paying jobs in your field. Tons of great restaurants and boutiques. If you move here, you won't know anyone. While the economy is great, if there is a recession and you lose your job, there is no social safety net, no unemployment insurance or public healthcare option. There are high levels of inequality. Even though you will make more money than most people in the country, your day-to-day interactions will mostly be with people who make more money than you.

Communitysburg: all your friends and family live here. You can hang out with them anytime you'd like. You and your spouse's parents are always available to babysit. The jobs don't pay particularly well and there isn't much of a social safety net. However, if you fall on hard times, there are numerous family and friends who will open their house to you. They also tell you about job opportunities before they become publicly known. Most people share your political and moral views.

St. Socialism: All citizens have universal healthcare and free education, including college; robust unemployment insurance; and a nice retirement plan, all regardless of employment status. The jobs don't pay that well and the taxes are high. Plus, you don't know anyone in the city. There is low inequality, most people make about the same as you and the ones who make more don't make much more.

Better yet: Imagine you are creating your ideal city. What percent should it reflect each of the above scenarios? I would say 55% Communitysburg, 30% Jobopolis, 15% St. Socialism.

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